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A large array of packages is customized to satisfy your need. We have customized our packages to satisfy your need which is the result of continuous market research. The packages combined with Value Added Services (VAS). You can pick just the right one for you. The speed can reach up to your expectation and depend on your desired VAS you can choose the package also.You can buy multiple services but can simultaneously use only one according to your requirement.

Internet Lease Line is the latest and fastest mode of connection to the Internet. Internet has changed the world of communication. Lease Line is the fastest mode of connection to the Internet World. With a high speed connection, there is a lot which can be done on the internet, which can never be accomplished by using an ordinary Domestic Broadband connection; viz. high speed data transfer, voice & video. This kind of connectivity specially designed for the Corporate, BPO and Call Centres.
Why Choose Balaji Infra Ray ?
Faster Internet Speed
We promises you reliable speed and stable network. Even if your are in a remote location we can provide you the best broadband quality that is available across the city.
  Reliable Network
To ensure you enjoy the best possible online experience, our network is provided by Internet Solutions, one of the top internet providers in Gujarat.
Fast Download
Fastest download of digital media files across internet.Super fast ! You can download really huge data in minimum time.
  Wide Coverage Area Network
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
Minimum Time for Download
Now Download anything in 1...2...3 Count.
Dedicated service team curtail downtime to littlest.
  Anywhere for You
24 X 7, 365 days service! Rapid response .Network redundancy.Quickest recovery…
Get Fastest Speed Internet at Affordable Plans
for more details send us email on : info@balajiinfraray.com

Call Us : +91 95376 11100